
Since 1991, we have been effectively utilizing digital technology
across all cultural interfaces with the aim of empowering its
resonance and highlighting its developmental dynamics. By
leveraging a wide range of funding tools, we support the work of
cultural organizations and their relationship with communities,
education, tourism, creative industries, and the economy at large.


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The digital transformation of cultural organizations necessitated by social changes, the agenda of a sustainable, digital, and green Europe, dramatic technological advancements, and the increasing demand for knowledge democratization.

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Strategic plans for local development based on culture, where we propose a platform comprising three innovative infrastructure and development subsystems: the digital repository, the human laboratory, and the promotion of emerging destinations.

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Cultural outreach actions at the national level, developing the wiki community for the enrichment of more accurate entries on Wikipedia, implementing productions and interactive applications for touring exhibitions abroad, effectively communicating the diverse expressions of Greek culture on major platforms.

We stand out because

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We continuously study European development policies based on culture and the green, digital, and sustainable agenda, along with relevant best practices.

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We possess an exceptionally broad network of collaborators and partners, both in Greece and abroad, which we fully leverage in the projects we undertake.

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We believe in the power of the synergies of the quintuple helix (environment, research, public sector, businesses, civil society).


Our clients include Memory Organizations (Museums, Libraries, Archives), as well as Contemporary Cultural Institutions, Public Benefit Foundations, Companies with advanced Corporate Social Responsibility, and Local Government.

Benaki Museum • Acropolis Museum • Greek National Opera • Onassis Foundation • National Gallery • National Museum of Contemporary Art Athens • Municipality of Athens • Ministry of Culture • George Zongolopoulos Foundation • Museum of Modern Greek Culture • Tossizza Foundation • Byzantine and Christian Museum • Momus Metropolitan Organisation of Museums of Visual Arts of Thessaloniki • Municipality of Thessaloniki • OΤΕ Museum of Telecommunications • DEI • Attiko Metro • National Archaeological Museum • Athens School of Fine Arts • Athens Epidaurus Festival • Teloglion Fine Arts Foundation • Noesis • Alekos Fassianos Museum • Moralis Studio • War Museum • National Interprofessional Organization of Vine and Wine • Europeana • Chinese Ministry of Culture • Olympic Museum • B&M Theocharakis Foundation for the Fine Arts & Music • Vasileios Papantoniou Folklore Foundation • Municipality of Messolonghi • Municipality of Kythnos • Municipality of Ithaca • Kazantzakis Museum • Bank of Greece • Enterprise Greece • Greek National Tourism Organization • Hellenic Railways Organization • Athens International Airport • Hellenic Parliament • National Historical Museum • Aikaterini Laskaridis Foundation • Technopolis City of Athens • Kozani Depelopment Company • Cyclades Depelopment Company • Athens City Museum • Georgios Jakobides Digital Museum • ΕΚΟΜΕ • Museum of Modern Greek Art of Rhodes • Basil & Elise Goulandris Foundation • Municipality of Cythera • Ministry of Tourism • OΕΟΑ Athens 2004 • Herakleidon Museum • Land Registration SA


Founder & CEO

Kostas Konstantinidis

Strategic & Organisational Advisor

Dimitra Kitsiou

Management Consultant

Dimos Vatikiotis

Head of Concept & Content

Yannis Aspiotis

Head of Products & Solutions

Efthimios Mavrikas

Head of Marketing & Partnerships

Georges Perot

Bid and Contracts Manager

Katia Demertzi


Panagiotis Siaterlis

Legal Advisor

Vassilis C. Karamitsanis

Educational Apps Manager

Vicky Chatziparadissi

Production Manager

Maria Tompalidou

Technology Consultant

Spiros Trivizas

Senior Software Developer

Ilias Tsitsas

Bids, Contracts & Cultural Officer

Elpida Yiemenetzi

Project Manager – Museologist

Vasilis Zaires

Documentation Officer – Historian

Aris Katopodis

Senior Project Manager – Events & Education

Olympia Amvrazi

Wikipedia Expert

Pavlos Stamos

Administrative Officer

Eva Gkoletsou

Digital Curation Officer

Lefteris Konstantinidis

Communication Specialist

Maria Paktiti

Audiovisual Productions Associate

Dimitris Athanasiadis

Audiovisual Productions Associate

Georgia Kanidou


The breadth of our services in the field of cultural management requires specialized services and well-established products for our projects and clients. For this reason, we have established strong partnerships with reputable companies: