
Women Power in Comics

PostScriptum joins the inter-balkan WOMCOM initiative

How collective and personal experiences of women can be conveyed through comics? How can comic authors and illustrators challenge stereotypical representations of women? How can female voices be heard and amplified? How socio-cultural changes impact the comics industry?

PostScriptum is pleased to announce its participation in the Women Power in Comics (WOMCOM) initiative. This collaborative project, spanning six Balkan countries, is dedicated to exploring and amplifying the voices of women in the comic sector, challenging stereotypes, and fostering socio-cultural change.

WOMCOM is a two-year programme (2023-2024) co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Commission. The initiative brings together several organizations across the Balkans, including:

Joining WOMCOM aligns with PostScriptum’s commitment to fostering diversity and inclusion in the culture and creative sectors. We believe that comics are a powerful medium for storytelling and cultural expression, and we are excited to support female comic artists in amplifying their voices and challenging stereotypes through residencies, exhibitions, and conferences.

For more information, visit womcom.io.

Women Power in Comics is co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Commission.