Terms of Use

1. Introduction

1.1 The visitor of this page accepts the following terms of use, which apply to the entire content of the website https://www.postscriptum.gr. In case of disagreement, the user must not use the content of the website. Continued use even after any kind of changes is equivalent to the unconditional acceptance of these terms. Therefore, the visitor is requested to carefully read the following binding conditions, in case of browsing or using this page.

2. Intellectual and industrial property rights

2.1 The entire content of the website (including, but not limited to, images, graphics, photographs, drawings, articles and texts in general) is the intellectual property of the company named “POSTSCRIPTUM PLIROFORIKI EPIKOINONIAS EPE” (hereinafter “the Company”). The content and material of this website is protected in accordance with the Greek Law on Intellectual Property (Law 2121/1993) and the international conventions on intellectual property. Reproduction is permitted only for non-commercial purposes and with a visible reference to the website (in case of electronic use, using a hyperlink). The content shall be reproduced in its entirety, i.e. without any modifications or alterations. The Company reserves the right to demand the cessation of the use of the content (indicatively: deletion of text from a third party’s website) at its discretion, in case of violation of the above condition. Under no circumstances shall the relevant intellectual and industrial property rights be affected in any way.

3. Liability Limitation

3.1. Including the case of slight negligence, the Company is not liable for any form of damage resulting from the content of the website.

In particular: 

3.2 The content of the website (indicatively, the newsletters – articles – opinions) is not intended to provide technical, professional or scientific advice in individual cases. Its purpose is to provide a first and concise presentation of the services and products provided by the Company, the partnerships it has entered into with public and private entities, as well as previous projects it has successfully completed for its clients. The Company does not guarantee the suitability and accuracy of the application of its products and services in any individual case. We caution and highly recommend obtaining qualified and individualized advice before adopting positions and purchasing products and services.

3.3 The content of the website is subject to future amendments and corrections. This does not imply that necessary corrections will be made every time and that the content of the website will be accurate and error-free.

3.4 The Company does not guarantee that links to and from the website are provided without viruses or other harmful components, as the Company does not control the availability, content, privacy policy, quality and accuracy of the services of websites to which it refers through “hyperlinks”. For any problem encountered or any information deemed necessary to be obtained, please contact the respective pages, which are also responsible for the provision of their services.

4. Applicable law and other terms

4.1 The above terms and conditions of use of the website as well as any modification are governed and supplemented by Greek law, the law of the European Union and the relevant international treaties.

4.2 Any part of the above terms that is deemed contrary to the law shall automatically cease to be valid and shall be removed from here, without in any way affecting the validity and, by extension, the binding nature of the other terms.